Tuesday, May 25, 2010


11 days before my bridesmaids weekend here in Morehead City!
14 days before school is out!
21 days before we close on our home in Raleigh!
61 days before Grant and I get married!

Guess who may have a job interview coming up for a GREAT teaching job in Raleigh?
Oh happy day...


Monday, May 10, 2010


This is how we spent Mother's Day: relaxing by our pool. Nice, yes?

However, Monday morning came full force...and these kids have forgotten everything they know...just in time for the End of Grade cumulative test. Yay. Not.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Ladies (and gentlemen?),

Summer is in reach. I can smell it. Because of this beautiful fact, it is all I can do to get through this school year, keep pulling all details together for our wedding, and remain patient.

Since I am a pitiful blogger because of said reasons, here is my future husband's post from this last weekend. I thought you might enjoy knowing that I didn't fall off the earth.


81 days until I'm marrying my best friend. Ecstatic! And -- every weekend until 07.24.10 is booked. Crazy!